I’m pleased to announce that my new book What’s Your Worldview? is now available in paperback (from Amazon or direct from Crossway) and also in Kindle format. Here’s the publisher’s description:
How Do You View the World?
It’s a big question. And how you answer is one of the most important things about you.
Not sure what you’d say? Join James Anderson on an interactive journey of discovery aimed at helping you understand and evaluate the options when it comes to identifying your worldview. Cast in the mold of a classic “Choose Your Own Adventure” story, What’s Your Worldview? will guide you toward finding intellectually satisfying answers to life’s biggest questions—equipping you to think carefully about not only what you believe but why you believe it and how it impacts the rest of your life.
Mike Kruger had some very kind things to say about it on his blog.
In order to keep the book streamlined, I decided not to include an acknowledgements page. I therefore want to take the opportunity here to thank the following people for their very helpful feedback on various drafts of the manuscript: Catriona Anderson, Katherine Ashbaugh, Chris Bolt, Alan Gay, Steve Hays, Gayle Hinkleman, Brent Horan, Paul Manata, Alex McLellan, and James Midwinter. I also wish to thank my editor, Greg Bailey, who did a fantastic job and was a pleasure to work with (likewise everyone else at Crossway who was involved in getting the book from proposal to press).
I hope that people will find the book to be a stimulating read and an effective tool for initiating fruitful conversations on matters of ultimate importance.
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