Once in a blue moon, I have a thought on some topic in theology, philosophy, or apologetics that might be worth sharing with others. (For reasons best left unexamined, this usually occurs in the bathroom.) This blog is a channel for releasing these fragile thoughts into the wild. Some I will try to protect from the ravages of a hostile world; others will have to fend for themselves.
This is not a ‘news’ or ‘follow-my-link’ blog. The blogosphere seems to be saturated with those already. Likewise, you won’t find me offering ‘hot takes’ on the current news cycle or the latest dust-up in the Reformed evangelical world. Posts here will probably be infrequent and sporadic, but hopefully they’ll have the kind of content that will be useful and relevant years after their publication.
The opinions expressed herein are entirely my own and do not necessarily reflect those of the church of which I am a member or the institution of which I am an employee.
I welcome polite and thoughtful comments, including critical ones, but I reserve the right not to approve any submitted comment as I see fit and without any obligation to explain myself. You’ll need a user account if you want to comment on posts. I’ve disabled the standard WordPress form for creating accounts because I became tired of dealing with spam registrations. If you want a user account, I’ll be glad to create one for you; just send me a request via the contact form here.
Go here if you want more information about me.
Apparently there is another James N. Anderson out there who blogs on theology and apologetics, but he is a Oneness Pentecostal. I am not that James N. Anderson, of course. I am this James N. Anderson.