Seminary Courses
My lectures for the following RTS courses are available via the RTS Mobile App:
- Pastoral and Social Ethics (2021)
- Christ, Culture, and Contextualization (2020)
- Introduction to Pastoral and Theological Studies (2017)
- Apologetics (2015)
- Christian Encounter with Islam (2014)
- History of Philosophy and Christian Thought (2014)
- The Church and the World (2010)
Teaching Series
- Exploring Islam (Ligonier Ministries)
- “The Bible and the Quran: A Critical Comparison of Two Sacred Books” (ITS Symposium, Indianapolis, October 2, 2022)
- “2K or Not 2K? Reflections on a Reformed Worldview” (Convocation Lecture, RTS Charlotte, August 27, 2019)
- “The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God: The Theological Foundations of Modern Science” (Tarwater Lecture, Queens University of Charlotte, October 29, 2018)
- “Scripture’s Self-Attestation” (Thornwell Lecture, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, August 5, 2018)
- “What Are We? Three Views on Human Nature” (B. B. Warfield Lectures, October 5, 2016)
- “Calvinism and the Origin of Sin” (GPTS Spring Conference, March 13, 2014)
- “Can I Trust the Bible Over Evolutionary Science?” (Raleigh Reformation Conference, October 26, 2013)
- “Can I Trust the Bible Over the Quran?” (Raleigh Reformation Conference, October 26, 2013)
- “Why Universities Can’t Do Without God” (Virginia Tech, September 19, 2012)
- “The Glorious Offense of God’s Gospel Grace” (Reformation Conference, October 27-28, 2017.) [Video available here.]
- “What’s Your Worldview?” (Ligonier 2016 National Conference)
- “Worldview Apologetics, Worldview Evangelism” (The Gospel Coalition National Conference, April 14, 2015)
Interviews & Discussions
- “David Hume with James Anderson” (The London Lyceum, January 12, 2022)
- “Is Christ’s Nature Contradictory? James Anderson vs. Jc Beall” (Capturing Christianity, December 14, 2021)
- “Does Logic Prove God? w/Alex Malpass & James Anderson” (Parker’s Pensées, September 14, 2021)
- “We Live In a Novel, NOT a Computer Simulation!” (Parker’s Pensées, March 3, 2021)
- “You Are At Least Tacitly Presupposing God’s Existence” (Parker’s Pensées, February 1, 2021)
- “The Philosophy of David Hume” (Reformed Forum, June 5, 2020)
- “Is There Reason to Believe in God?” (Tom Jump, January 24, 2020)